Book Besties Season 6, Episode 5: How to Be Eaten


Content Warnings: weird shit, scary shit, gross shit. Now the real one Content Warnings: abuse, assault, rape, and murder in this episode. Listener discretion is advised. 

This week the group chat is unsupervised, and Molly and Katie are talking about How to Be Eaten by Maria Adelmann.  They talk excessive symbolism, thank their lucky stars April didn’t read this one, and go off track a lot. (After watching episode, April is also super glad she didn’t read it.)

Things talked about in this episode:

Meet Molly and April, they bonded over books and became Book Besties. So, what do you do when you find your book bestie? Start a podcast of course. Hang out with April and Molly as they talk about everything they love and hate about books.


What do you do when you find your book bestie? Start a podcast of course. We are April and Molly, The Book Besties. We talk about everything we love and hate about books, life, and sometimes ramble, please join us.


Book Besties Season 6, Episode 6: Killers of a Certain Age


Book Besties Season 6, Episode 4: The Wall of Winnipeg and Me